Meet Quincy Jamal, originally from Florida. Now residing in Covington, Georgia, has a passion for hip-hop that runs deep. Having spent much of his life in Florida, he returned to Atlanta in 2017 but later moved back to Orlando to pursue education. After completing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at UCF, Quincy is now back in Covington, fully committed to his music.

    His journey out of the city was prompted by a relationship that didn’t work out. Attempting to fix money problems, he shifted to different places, but the high living costs in Orlando added to the challenges. Despite being busy with classes and joining professional fraternities, Quincy always knew he’d return to the music scene once he finished school.

    Quincy’s childhood saw him taking on responsibilities early. Becoming the man of the house at 15, he worked part-time while in school, ensuring his sister was taken care of. Unfortunately, his past is marked by the loss of his father, an upcoming hip-hop artist from New Orleans who passed away when he was just a baby. He also lost his mother to cancer in 2020.

    These losses, though painful, have fueled Quincy’s ability to express himself through music. His early works, recorded on a small MP3 player, have evolved into more refined pieces. His upcoming project, “Growing Pains” reflects on the emotions surrounding his mother’s passing, showcasing a personal and matured side of his artistry.

    Describing his music as introspective and honest, he draws from personal experiences and observations. Taking a break due to the emotional strain, he’s now working on a new release called “Crash Course,” set to drop in late July or early August.

    In terms of advice, Quincy emphasizes the importance of staying grounded, a theme explored on his podcast, “The Grounder Show” Remaining true to oneself and navigating life’s challenges with a grounded mindset is how he approaches his journey.

    He describes himself as a bit different, chill, like a black hippie, educated, and someone who takes things at face value. He maintains a keen awareness of the good and bad in people but refuses to let negativity control him.

    What sets Quincy apart in the hip-hop scene is his introspective and versatile style. Unlike others, he doesn’t stick to a single theme, expressing various facets of his life in his songs. From reflecting on carefree childhood days to addressing the pain of loss, His music is a genuine reflection of his experiences.

    Despite facing tough times and contemplating giving up, Quincy persevered. Financial constraints made it challenging to be consistent in his music journey, but going back to school and improving his financial situation has made the path clearer. He understands the realistic challenges of the music industry, where pauses are an integral part of the journey.

    Check out the interview highlights on our Instagram page!


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