Meet Carlisle, a multi-talented artist hailing from Atlanta, Georgia. He’s not just a musician; he’s a writer, an artist, and a mogul all wrapped up in one. 

    His music is about taking you there, offering a blend of visionary vibes and motivational talk with a real-life spin. His unique style, coined as “take you there music,” aims to create relatable stories without the unnecessary fluff. The recurring theme in his music revolves around losses, both personal and universal.

    When it comes to tattoos, Carlisle’s body tells a story of facing fears. Characters that haunted his childhood nightmares now adorn his legs, turning them into symbols of overcoming fear and personal growth. His message to those facing fears is simple: take that leap of faith and see where life takes you.

    In the interview, Carlisle emphasizes his originality, acting as a bridge between different generations. He sees himself connecting both the young and the old, delivering a message that resonates with both audiences. His lyrics reflect this, drawing wisdom from the older generation while staying in tune with the youth.

    Reflecting on his journey, he would tell his younger self to go even harder, emphasizing the importance of consistency and positivity. He acknowledges the challenges of building a solid foundation and finding the right team but emphasizes the need to put in the work and showcase your vision to the world.

    As for current projects, Carlisle recently dropped “Teach A Man How To Fish,” a project that embodies his philosophy of bridging the gap between generations. The title metaphorically speaks to the lost art of patience and diligence, urging people to learn essential life skills rather than relying solely on technology.

    In essence, he is not just an artist; he’s a storyteller, a mentor, and a genuine force in the music industry. With a commitment to authenticity and a unique style that resonates with diverse audiences, he’s carving out his own path in the vast landscape of the music world. So, if you’re looking for something real, relatable, and consistent, keep an eye on Carlisle, because he’s here to stay.

    Check out the interview highlights on our Instagram page!


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