Meet Ozzy Kidd, a musician with roots in both Egypt and Columbus, Georgia. His journey to the Atlanta area began after finishing school, driven by his passion for football and the arts.

    Ozzy Kidd’s musical inclination dates back to his early days, growing up in a church where gospel music was his mainstay. Instruments like piano, guitar, drums, and even the tambourine were his playground. The church setting molded him personally, setting the stage for a lifelong love affair with music.

    His musical journey essentially began with his heartbeat, as he puts it, emphasizing a connection to music since birth. Despite initial exposure to gospel, Ozzy Kidd broadened his musical horizons at the age of 13, delving into genres beyond the religious realm.

    Ozzy Kidd expresses confidence in his unique fashion style, aiming to stand out and be the center of attention. However, there are moments of vulnerability as he admits to times when he contemplated throwing in the towel. Notably losing both grandmothers in the same year. Despite his typically stoic demeanor, the loss prompted a week of seclusion. His advice for navigating emotional rollercoasters is simple yet profound: keep doing things, stay active, and honor the memories by continuing to live.

    As an introvert, the artist navigates the challenge of performing live, desiring not to be just part of the crowd but the focal point. His ambition is clear: to be the center of attention, making a mark on the audience.

    In the world of Ozzy Kidd, music serves as both a refuge and a platform for individuality. With upcoming projects like the song “Sadistic” and ventures into country music, he remains an artist on the rise, driven by a desire to be remembered and celebrated for his unique contribution to the world of music.

    Check out the interview highlights on our Instagram page!


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