Meet Fiya Blaze, also known as FAFA, hailing from the vibrant city of Chicago, Illinois. While Chicago is his hometown, Atlanta holds a special place as his second home. Fiya Blaze is a multi-talented individual involved in production, music, film, and even gracing the silver screen in movies. Describing himself as a creative, networker, and hustler, he proudly wears the hat of a businessman.

    Fiya Blaze invites everyone to tap into his world, showcasing his versatility as a Jack of all trades. He’s been immersed in music since the age of 13, but it was in 2012 that he decided to take it seriously. When asked about the turning point, Fiya Blaze recalls a moment when he realized his music was gaining recognition and respect from various people and locations.

    Reflecting on his confident demeanor, Fiya Blaze attributes it to his zodiac sign, being a Libra born on October 20th. Despite the pressure of public appearances and performances, he thrives in the moment, emphasizing the importance of proper preparation.

    Navigating the hip-hop genre, Fiya Blaze considers himself a songwriter first, pulling inspiration from various genres to create a unique and universal sound. His stage name, Fiya Blaze, was bestowed upon him during his early days, signifying the fire within him. The name stuck, reflecting his Nigerian heritage and becoming a moniker even his mom uses.

    In the interview, Fiya Blaze opens up about the challenges he faced and moments when he considered stepping away from the music scene. However, his perspective shifted, realizing that his music serves as a vehicle to share experiences and perspectives with a broader audience.

    Fiya Blaze describes it as powerful, masterful, pure, and raw. He believes he has mastered various styles over the years, showcasing growth and a unique expression of self. He firmly believes he was made for this journey, shaped by life’s experiences and challenges.

    Looking back, Fiya Blaze would advise his younger self to trust the process and stick to a five-year plan. He acknowledges the importance of balancing his roles as a father and an artist, ensuring that both aspects of his life coexist harmoniously.

    As for upcoming projects, Fiya Blaze encourages everyone to check out his work on platforms like Apple Music, YouTube, and Instagram. With a dedicated team by his side, he’s committed to making waves and supporting the next generation of artists on their journey. The train is bound for glory, and Fiya Blaze is ready to bring the heat.

    Check out the interview highlights on our Instagram page!


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