Meet Rolo Loso, an artist hailing from Mississippi, born and bred in the art of creation. He’s a singer-songwriter, and he identifies primarily as an artist. He has a deep passion for creating from scratch, with music being one of his earliest and most cherished forms of expression.

    His unique name emerged during his college years, inspired by a group of friends who shared a similar sense of style and swagger. He was determined to maintain that identity when transitioning from high school to college.

    When it comes to music, Rolo Loso’s heart beats for R&B, a genre that encapsulates love and vulnerability. He shares that R&B music served as his guide in understanding love and relationships, providing a soundtrack to his journey through life.

    Rolo Loso’s music is a reflection of his personal experiences and those of the people around him. He takes these stories and transforms them into rhythmic and melodic forms to tell tales of love, life, and everything in between.

    In terms of live performances, Rolo Loso initially gained experience as a music major in college, which involved performing in front of various audiences. He describes the stage as a place where he feels both alive and scared, as he pours himself out in front of his audience.

    Acknowledging that not every performance elicits an immediate response, Rolo Loso understands that music is timeless and that the audience may require time to connect with the stories he tells. He remains undeterred and committed to his craft.

    His style sets him apart, as he brings big energy to every room he enters. Although he’s aware that not everyone may initially connect with his music, he firmly believes in his journey and keeps pushing forward.

    He has upcoming projects, including an EP titled “Flowers on Rush” and an album called “Thank God for Sidewalks,” which represents his life’s path and his appreciation for the opportunities he’s had.

    Rolo Loso emphasizes that he wears his energy, expressing himself through his clothing and overall presence. He sees fashion as a form of self-expression and a way to reveal his inner self.

    Rolo Loso concludes his message by affirming his unique and one-of-a-kind identity. He encourages those seeking something great, a unique auditory experience, to listen to his music and feel the intangible, undeniable energy he brings to his work.

    Check out the interview highlights on our Instagram page!


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